I am thrilled to introduce the following testimony from a person who has been suffering from Bile duct cancer. He is treating his cancer without experiencing the side effect of chemo-drugs. In this testimonial, you can know how he is going through her recovery without suffering side effects from chemo drugs and is living a high quality of life.
Forty-six years old, Mr. M. A., Irvine CA
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma (or bile duct cancer) in March 2011. I had never experienced any cancer symptoms. By the time I was diagnosed, cancer had already spread from my liver to my lymph nodes, one of my ribs, and my pelvis.
While my wife and I were waiting for the initial results, she talked to a friend about the possibility of me having cancer. Her friend informed her that she, too, had gone through cancer treatments and had taken the supplement Fucoidan (USF). She also added that she was pleased with the results of the supplement and suggested to try it. My wife’s friend even went as far as to give us a bottle of capsules as a gift.
After my diagnosis, my doctor suggested that we begin Chemotherapy immediately. At that point, we took some brochures about USF to the doctor. We asked if it would be alright to take the supplement. My doctor agreed, and I began Chemotherapy in the middle of April and began taking USF the very next day. Because the cancer was already in multiple locations (Stage 4), it was suggested that I take 20 capsules per day (5 before each meal and five before bedtime). I was told by my doctor to expect the usual side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and fatigue.
My Chemotherapy is scheduled once a week for two weeks, then one week off. I have felt little or no side-effects from Chemotherapy, and I can perform daily activities of my life regularly. At this point, I have had 11 treatments. After four surgeries, I had a CT scan that showed that the cancer lesions had shrunk by 15-20%. After another six treatments, a CT scan showed the average shrinkage of cancer was in the area of 15%. Currently, there has been no spread of cancer, and the decrease has been observed in all the affected areas.
I am at the clinic four times per week, and the nurses are always surprised by how healthy I look, how energetic I am, and how I am seemingly unaffected by the Chemotherapy. I cannot say with surety that I have no side effects of chemo-drugs because of Fucoidan. However, I can say that my cancer has reduced, and I can live a healthy life free of the typical side effects of Chemotherapy.

3/28/11 (Before): Cancer size 2.9cm x 2.3cm

7/22/11 (After): Cancer size becomes 2cm x 2 cm