Fucoidan Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Testimonial 5: How did Fucoidan help me to Win My Battle Cancer?

April 7, 2020

I would like to introduce a remarkable testimonial of stomach cancer. In 2005, a woman diagnosed with cancer. To her dismay, it was not only breast cancer but also stomach cancer. Her battle against the dreadful disease, which had started breast cancer and later she had stomach cancer, finally came to an end after the eight long years of struggle. In this testimonial, you can find that you can fight against cancer with natural remedies and western medications without suffering side effects of conventional treatment.

My name is S. Y. J. from the Seodaemun District of Seoul, Korea, and I have been taking Umi No Shizuku Fucoidan for about a year. I want to take this opportunity to inform anyone who is battling cancer about the marvelous changes Umi No Shizuku Fucoidan has brought to my life.

I first found out that I had cancer in 2005 when a tumor was detected in my breast. I tried my best to make sure that breast cancer was treated properly. I followed the various recommended cancer treatments, which included 30 chemotherapy sessions. My body was reacting to the treatments well, as I tried to keep my spirit up. I always pictured myself as a healthy individual and often skipped the annual medical examinations offered by my husband’s employer. However, in July of 2011, a doctor found a tiny mysterious ulcer during an endoscopy procedure, which upon further testing, turned out to be stomach cancer.

It was my second encounter with cancer, and the disastrous news brought the toughest challenge and the darkest moments of my life. I visited the Yonsei University Hospital in Seoul, South Korea, reputed to be the most excellent medical institution in the country. After consulting with a number of their cancer experts (oncologists) and going through most of the cancer-related examinations, they said the cancer cells in my stomach spread to the mesentery. My doctor suggested closing the stomach and the mesentery while continuing the western medication and anti-cancer treatments. I carried on with the procedures through August, but nothing worked. My blood platelet level decreased with each treatment; I often had to cancel or postpone sessions due to this effect. Though there was a slight decrease in the cancer cells from the treatments, I wasn’t satisfied due to the absence of noteworthy progress.

It was around this time; I began searching for other possible treatments or natural remedies. My sister was living in New Jersey, USA, at the time. She came to Korea every three months to check my situation. During one of her visits, she brought a bottle of Fucoidan. She spoke with their customer service about my condition and got the information on the recommended dosage, which she told me to take. I was very interested in how my cancer would react to this product since my sister said to me about other cancer patients getting positive results from taking fucoidan. I decided to take seven capsules before every meal, and nine more before going to sleep. In total, I took thirty capsules a day.

I noticed my body changing within even a couple of days. First, my appetite, which was lost after my treatments began, was coming back. I found it easier to go to the bathroom. My hair was also slowly growing again. The changes were unusual. Feeling more energetic, I started eating healthier and getting daily exercises, such as walking and hiking, and of course, I continued to fight cancer. I was getting a CT scan every three months to monitor cancer’s progress, and after some time, the tests started showing the tumor in my stomach was gradually shrinking. Finally, as of two years ago, an analysis showed my stomach cancer was completely gone.

I believe that I won my battle with cancer because of consuming  Fucoidan carefully. I humbly appreciate everything that Umi No  Shizuku Fucoidan has brought to my life. I am still taking it to this day to make sure that cancer doesn’t return. I plan on having one more CT in October and reducing the dosage of Fucoidan if the result is positive. I hope that everyone dealing with a similar situation stay sharp and focused. I encourage them to study the effects of Fucoidan and have winning results in their cancer battle.


October 15th, 2013

S. Y .J.