Fucoidan Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Testimonial 17: My Breast Tumor Disappeared Within Three Months!!

March 18, 2021

Name: M N 

Age: 70

Address: Ca

Date: May 10, 2011

Few studies have already proven the beneficial effects of oral administration of Fucoidan. However, based on the evidence of a previous study by Kazuo Azuma et al., this blog provides further confirmation of testimony by a human about supplementation of Fucoidan. This study evaluated the oral administration of Fucoidan’s antitumor activities extracted from Cladosiphon Okamuranus (Mozuku) using a tumor (colon 26)-bearing mouse model. The mouse who was fed HMWF for 70 days increased the mouse spleen’s NK cells’ population. The oral administration of HMWF was shown to display an antitumor effect through activation of the immune system. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3497027/

           The following is a testimonial that was showing oral administration of Fucoidan effect of cancer. And a piece of evidence is a person who was diagnosed with breast cancer. While suffering and undergoing treatment, she started consuming Fucoidan for three months. And this is proof and the story of how she finally overcame cancer. I hope this testimony provides hope to people who have cancer.

On 01/14/2009, I had an ultrasound, and the result showed that there were tumors in my breast, three tumors on the right side, 1.4 cm, 0.4 cm, and 0.5 cm, respectively. There was also one tumor on the left side, 0.4 cm. My doctor transferred me to an oncologist (the breast cancer specialist). He advised getting the biopsy done. I asked my friend about the facts of the biopsy and decided not to go through it. On 11/06/2009, I had another ultrasound, and it showed the same result as before.

On 04/30/2010, I had one more ultrasound. The result showed that my 1.4 cm tumor had grown to 2.1 cm. However, due to fear, I still had no intention to get the biopsy. In February 2011, my friend told me about Fucoidan. I bought it immediately. I got two bottles of capsule-type so far. On 04/20/2011, the doctor proceeded ultrasound again, and the result showed that I had no tumors anymore. My doctor was surprised about my outcome. At that moment, I decided to let my doctor know that I used Fucoidan, hoping that my doctor will introduce Fucoidan to other patients. I believe my cancer had disappeared without biopsy or any medication. Now, I take two capsules a day for the prevention of recurrence. I plan to buy 13 bottles more to be entirely healthy. My health is the priority for me. Nothing else can matter.

Whenever I know if someone has cancer or tumors like me, I recommend they take Fucoidan or try one bottle to see how it works. It worked for me. So, why don’t you spend only a few hundred dollars to know if Fucoidan can help you or not? You will have nothing to lose.