I am thrilled to introduce to you to the second testimonial regarding the effect of fucoidan
Bone cancer spread to the gland of one, Ms. Jennifer (age 45, Taiwan)
I received a call from my brother on my birthday, 22nd December 2009, informing me that his wife had been suffering from severe pain in her lower back for weeks. She went to see a doctor for a checkup; the x-ray showed that the 5th joint of the spine bone in her lower back was missing. The doctor believed it was cancer-related and that a biopsy was in order. The result also showed that it was bone cancer which had spread to the gland.

After the call, I became proactive, got myself educated by Dr. Lanaburg regarding bone cancer and cancer in general. I searched for any remedies or herbs that might help ease the pain caused by bone cancer.
I found out that treating fucoidan to the affected area would cause any harmful cells to self-destruct and at the same time, boost the immune system.
My sister-in-law, Jennifer, started chemotherapy in January 2010. This treatment procedure made it difficult for her to ingest anything as well as making her puke a lot. She had to take a needle shot to prevent her from puking which cost her 150 US dollars every time. I purchased liquid fucoidan which was roughly 2125 mg / per 50 ml bottle. She commenced from 02/04/2010, taking three bottles per day for the first 2 weeks. After a while, she started taking 2 bottles per day, one in the morning and the other before going to bed.
Two months later, fucoidan combined with one round of chemotherapy procedure, reduced her cancer index reading from 32 to just 1 and her white blood cells count increased from 1800 to 5800 (white blood cells count of a normal person is in the range of 4000 to 10,000). The doctor treating her was surprised with the result since her Lymph gland was free of tumour and cancer in the bone joint had reduced significantly. Her case was unique than other patients who were suffering from less severe consequences. The major difference between her and the other patients was the consumption of fucoidan during the second round of chemotherapy.
Jennifer (as seen in the picture below) suffered from ovarian cancer some 13 years ago. She underwent surgery to remove the affected ovaries. However, she wasn’t informed that she had to have regular checkups after the procedure to look out for any symptoms relating to cancer. Therefore, she carried on with her life until last year when she started having severe back pain and after checkup found out that she had cancer in her lymph gland and bone. She is a devoted Christian and therefore believes God directed her to start taking fucoidan as a supplement to chemotherapy. She is still taking the fucoidan in the form of a capsule, to this day.