In this blog, I would like to discuss with fucoidan and side effects. Most people ask about fucoidan’s side effects since I have involved about fucoidan. I usually tell them that mainly fucoidan does not have any side effects.
Actually, fucoidan is extracted from brown seaweed, thus you could imagine that fucoidan does not have any side effects, because fucoidan is just like food. And then fucoidan is water-soluble fiber, thus sometimes people may have a soft bowel movement, however at the time that you keep using fucoidan for couple of days, it will become regular bowel movement again.

However, based on my experience, people complain seldom but, people complain about symptom of stomach bloating, having gas, or headache. The reason their stomach bloating is that their intestinal function is getting better because of fucoidan.
As for example, when you were on post-surgery, doctor would be concerned about you had gas or not, that means as during surgery, anesthesiologist stop the use gastrointestinal function by using anesthesia; therefore after the surgery, doctor make sure whether patient has recovering intestinal function naturally or not that is fart.
As for occurring headache, fucoidan makes blood circulation better in your total body including your brain as well, as blood circulation suddenly gets better in your brain, some people will complain headache, but when you keep taking fucoidan for couple of days, headache would be gone.
Also it is very important if they have allergy on seaweed, please do not take fucoidan at all. I had one time experience, a person had seaweed allergy.
Eventually, most people do not show any side effects by fucoidan, but people who have the bad blood circulation or intestinal function, it might show some side effects, but after their problems solved by fucoidan, I think these problems will be gone.
Since I discussed about fucoidan side effects, I would like to expand the story about side effect of chemotherapy and fucoidan in the next topic.