In this article, I would discuss fucoidan and measles as well as fucoidan and anti-virus effects. Fucoidan contains mannose, xylose, galactose, sulfate, and uronic acid. These saccharides work mutually. For example, xylose reduces the effect of allergy symptoms and asthma, and uronic acid has a strong anti-tumor effect.
The rubeola virus causes measles. Measles is a highly contagious disease. In 2017 alone, there were 110,000 measles deaths globally, mostly among children under the age of five. According to the World Health Organization, 85% of the world’s children received one dose of measles vaccine and resulted in an 80% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2017 worldwide.
The rubeola is a viral respiratory disease and one of the most highly contagious diseases known. Measles spread through airborne droplets, from breathing, coughing, or sneezing. The rubeola virus is airborne. People, especially children, can still be exposed even if they are not in close contact with an infected person. The live virus can linger in the air and also on the surface for as long as two hours due to airborne capacity.
According to USA Today, on April 15, 2019, WHO mentioned that even in the high-income families, measles spread resulted in hospitalization. Additionally, around 25% of cases led to life disability, from brain damage and blindness to hearing loss.
World Health Organization recommends that routine measles vaccination for children to reduce global measles deaths. That is the best way to prevent measles. Unvaccinated young children will have the highest risk of measles and its complications, including death.
So, how fucoidan would help for measles and other viruses? The answer is, fucoidan shows inhibitory activities against the replication of several enveloped viruses such as human immunodeficiency and human cytomegalovirus. The mechanism of antiviral activities of fucoidan is to inhibit viral sorption from inhibiting viral-induced syncytium formation. If you are already infected with measles, fucoidan will stop viruses from spreading and getting worse.