Fucoidan | Fucoidan Research | Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Antiproliferative Activity of Fucoidan Associated with the Induction of Apoptosis and Autophagy in AGS

In most circumstances, Autophagy promotes tumorigenesis. Cancer upregulates Autophagy. Additionally, the mechanism is reliable on microenvironmental stress, raises growth and aggressiveness, and promotes cancer. However, in some situations, Autophagy suppresses tumorigenesis. This study, in which Fucoidan induces Autophagy to improve cancer treatment, is groundbreaking. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/73941 Hence I would like to share the following research and […]

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Fucoidan | Health Benefit of Fucoidan | Uncategorized

Testimonial 18: A Mother Living A Meaningful And Exciting Life Again!

The testimonial shows the previous research with radiation research and fucoidan effects and proves that the writer’s mother spends a delightful everyday life because of Fucoidan without any side effects. However, she had taken 30 radiation treatments and suffered from radiation treatment side-effects. Despite that, she had provided people with hope. Mother Chan, 60 years […]

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Fucoidan | Fucoidan Research | Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Productive Effect of Fucoidan against γRadiation-induced Damage of Blood Cells

Radiation therapy is one of the most important and used cancer treatments. It is done by irradiating, it inhibits cancer cells. However, radiation therapy damages the normal cells while destroying the cancer cells. While it is beneficial in most cancer treatments, due to this therapy, many people suffer side effects after it. Also, according to […]

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