In this blog, I would like to discuss how fucoidan’s effect can be enhanced further the current range. Here, we like to experiment what would be fucoidan’s effects if we are combining Agaricus and fucoidan. First of all, Agaricus Blazei Murill is one of the types of medical mushroom from the Brazilian rain forest. It […]
Author: Molly
I am so thrilled to introduce you to a testimonial regarding the effect of fucoidan in this blog. A friend of mine, an acupuncturist, acquainted a 67-year-old lung cancer patient with fucoidan. She was diagnosed with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma in November 2015. She underwent a total of 12 and 30 times of chemotherapy […]
In this blog, I would like to discuss how fucoidan helps in reducing excess cholesterol. As you might be aware your body needs cholesterol to make cell membranes, key hormones like testosterone and estrogen. The bile acid needs to digest and absorb fats, and vitamin D. Thus cholesterol is very important to the body that […]
Fucoidan is a complex polysaccharide derived from brown seaweed. It is mostly found and cultivated in Okinawa, Japan and has been studied for years as a possible reason why people following a traditional Japanese diet had such good overall health. In fact, most fucoidan today still comes from Okinawa. But did you know this unusually-named […]
Immunotherapy is one of many potential treatments for cancer. It is often confused with chemotherapy, but it is actually quite different in the way that it works. It is a much newer type of therapy than chemo and has proven to be successful with many different types of tumors. Many different types of immunotherapy are […]
Being diagnosed with cancer on its own is already stressful, but when you add in the additional stress of managing healthcare bills, things can get overwhelming quickly. Many people aren’t sure where to turn when they need to pay for medical bills, which can add extra confusion during an already difficult time. If you don’t […]
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the US. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 15 million people have cancer. This disease not only affects the health of the patient, but it also drains their wallet. The first question that many people ask when they diagnosed with cancer is, “will […]
In this blog, I will share the benefits of fucoidan and stomach cancer. As we are aware, the stomach is the upper digestive system. Its function is to digest food and to move the nutrients along to rest of your digestive organs. Stomach cancer most likely forms around the pylorus area, which connects to the […]
In this blog post, I would like to discuss lung cancer, as well as cancer overall and Fucoidan benefit. In my previous article, I had explained regarding the fucoidan research and lung cancer along with fucoidan induce apoptosis initiating caspase family. Now, I will share another way to exert the therapeutic effect of fucoidan on […]
By Eun Ji Kim et al., According to Eun Ji Kim et al., Apoptosis is the programmed cell death, and most of the cancerous cells have been eliminated by apoptosis. There are some reports about fucoidan apoptosis-inducing action. This research shows introducing the induction of apoptosis effect in human colon cancer. (Method and Result) HT-29 […]