Health Benefit of Fucoidan

2. Fucoidan Testimonial

I am so thrilled to introduce you to a testimonial regarding the effect of fucoidan in this blog. A friend of mine, an acupuncturist, acquainted a 67-year-old lung cancer patient with fucoidan. She was diagnosed with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma in November 2015. She underwent a total of 12 and 30 times of chemotherapy […]

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Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Fucoidan and Cholesterol

In this blog, I would like to discuss how fucoidan helps in reducing excess cholesterol. As you might be aware your body needs cholesterol to make cell membranes, key hormones like testosterone and estrogen. The bile acid needs to digest and absorb fats, and vitamin D. Thus cholesterol is very important to the body that […]

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Cancer | Cancer Treatment

What is immunotherapy for cancer?

Immunotherapy is one of many potential treatments for cancer. It is often confused with chemotherapy, but it is actually quite different in the way that it works. It is a much newer type of therapy than chemo and has proven to be successful with many different types of tumors. Many different types of immunotherapy are […]

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