Fucoidan | Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Fucoidan and Gout

In this blog, I will discuss the effects of fucoidan and gout. According to the research conducted by Kenneth Thorpe on August 30, 2018, nearly four million Americans suffer from gout. About 4% of people suffer from this condition. Also, the risk of getting these diseases increases with age. Gout is a disease in which […]

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Fucoidan | Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Fucoidan and Herpes

In this blog, I will discuss a viral infection called Herpes, which occurs in various parts of the body. More than 50 percent of American adults have oral herpes. Oral herpes is infected by Herpes Simples Virus type 1 (HSV -1), and it is transmitted primarily by mouth-to-mouth contact causing infection in or around the […]

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Fucoidan | Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Fucoidan and Influenza

In this blog, I will discuss fucoidan and influenza. Influenza is commonly known as the flu. It is an infection caused by the influenza virus. Influenza viruses include A, B, and C types. The types A and B epidemics in humans. In addition to humans, type A infects mammals such as pigs, horses, and birds. […]

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