I am glad and thrilled to introduce one of the chronic myelogenous leukemia testimonials. I would like you to know that Fucoidan reduces the side effects of chemo drugs and protect your bone marrow in a way to expand your quality of life. Following is the testimonial from Ms. S. L. Five years ago, I […]
Author: Molly
Blood cells also include white blood cells. These white blood cells play a significant role in eliminating foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses that have entered the body from the outside. Red blood cells carry oxygen, and platelets are tiny blood cells that stop bleeding by forming clots. The origin of these blood cells […]
Respiratory organs include air passages (airways) such as the nasal cavity, oral cavity, bronchi, and lungs. As the bronchus goes further (peripheral), it branches and becomes thinner, and the inner diameter becomes much narrower. Beyond that, there are numerous small rooms (alveoli) that look like grapes, and the walls are lined with capillaries. In the […]
In this blog, I’d like to share yet another testimonial of a person who had Triple-negative breast cancer. This Triple-negative breast cancer is hard to treat due to the absence of three receptors – estrogen, progesterone, and HER2. For the treatment of Triple-negative breast cancer, most likely, doctors use chemotherapy and radiation therapy due to […]
In my previous articles, I have already discussed breast cancer and fucoidan. It’s a well-known fact that breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Therefore, I would like to verify fucoidan and breast cancer once again from research conducted from a different angle. Do you know women are worried about having to make […]
I would like to introduce a remarkable testimonial of stomach cancer. In 2005, a woman diagnosed with cancer. To her dismay, it was not only breast cancer but also stomach cancer. Her battle against the dreadful disease, which had started breast cancer and later she had stomach cancer, finally came to an end after the […]
In the previous blog, I shared the testimonial of a person’s recovery who has bladder cancer and took Fucoidan. In this blog, I would like to show the research on how Fucoidan helps in fighting bladder cancer. Bladder cancer’s 5-year survival rates are approximately 90% in stage 0a, 83% in stage 0is, 87% in stage […]
In this blog, I am sharing a bladder cancer testimonial of a patient who had used fucoidan. I want to share this testimonial before I share the research on fucoidan and bladder cancer. This testimonial will also give you a better understanding of how fucoidan effects on the human body and also easily understand the […]
In this blog, I will discuss how fucoidan may prevent depression-like behavior and anxiety. The modern society is increasingly competitive. It may be work, studies, or even social, where people are experiencing a lot of stress. The stress causes more people to suffer from mental illness in different forms. Depression and anxiety exhibit different symptoms […]
In this blog, I will discuss the effects of fucoidan and gout. According to the research conducted by Kenneth Thorpe on August 30, 2018, nearly four million Americans suffer from gout. About 4% of people suffer from this condition. Also, the risk of getting these diseases increases with age. Gout is a disease in which […]