Fucoidan Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Obtaining Positive Effects By Taking Fucoidan (Testimonial 12)

September 2, 2020

In my blogs, I want to share several testimonials of people while they were taking Fucoidan during cancer therapy and other severe diseases. How did Fucoidan effect them precisely? As I have explained the facts based on extensive research and evidence in the previous blogs on how most people gained positive benefits from Fucoidan while undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and suffering severe diseases. Some people even became cancer-free, and some people also noticed their cancer-shrinking. Some people have even started living their natural life with cancer. So, you will know how people appreciated and had taken Fucoidan without suffering side effects and continuing to enjoy their lives.

Here is the testimonial of how Brain Tumor decreased, and Metastasis of cancer in the Uterine disappeared! 

Duong. A 49-year-old female, Washington

Two years ago, before doctors found my brain tumor, my left eye suddenly started giving me trouble. I couldn’t see things clearly because there was a black spot on the left eye. When I was driving a car, I used to always run over the lane. Also, I had tinnitus in the ears, almost like I was deaf.
In July 2008, I went to visit two doctors separately. They found a benign tumor in my brain, as big as an egg. After that, the doctor did not allow me to drive anymore. Moreover, I began to wear glasses whenever I wanted to read something.  A month later, in Aug 2008, after consulting doctors several times, I had my first surgery. The doctor operated my brain to remove the tumor. It was successful.  After surgery, I had to stay in the hospital for seven days for recovery. However, after being discharged from the hospital, I began to feel I was growing weaker. My body didn’t belong to me anymore. I could neither eat nor sleep. Every part of my body was painful.

Brain Tumor Extracting Device Deemed FDA Breakthrough Device - iData  Research

After one year, another tumor was found.  So in Oct 2009, I had to endure another surgery to remove the relapsed tumor, which had already grown very close to my optic nerve. The operation was about cutting off the bone cover around cancer. The following treatment after the surgery was radiation therapy to prevent the tumor from growing bigger and relapse. On Dec 23, 2009, Cyberknife treatment started every day, a total of 5 days, along with some prescription medicine I had to take during the procedure, combined with Fucoidan.  At that time, Fucoidan was introduced by my friend. I had been taking Fucoidan for three weeks, 15 capsules a day. The doctor advised that I may have side effects, but I did not suffer for any side effects. Even I didn’t suffer from radiation side effects such as nausea, stomach upset, or hair loss. The doctor, my family, friends were very much surprised. My happiness didn’t stop there as it happens that the ache throughout my body disappeared. I visibly looked more energetic.  

Then the worry began before my second surgery. The doctor also found Metastasis inside the uterine. However, after my brain surgery, he couldn’t see the cancer traces in the uterine anymore. I believed Fucoidan contributed to progress and recovery. More gladly, I could see and hear things better than before.

Endometrial Cancer Outcomes in Women Under 40 – Consult QD

After five months of taking Umi No Shizuku Fucoidan in March 2010, I revisited the hospital. The good news from the doctor was that my tumor shrunk considerably and was as small as a pea. Cancer in my uterine vanished as well. I don’t feel a headache anymore. I am sleeping well at night. I have also regained appetite and do regular exercise every morning, including doing some house chores. My bowel movement is normal, and I can see with glasses, and even drive to local grocery stores!

As cancer might come back and could spread at any time, I am still taking Fucoidan daily. However, recently I have reduced daily dosage from 15 to 10 capsules. As a mother, I can’t give up my life because I want to see my kids grow up and live together with my family as much as I could.  So, I have decided that as long as I live, I will continue taking Fucoidan.

I hope the above testimony gives you hope. I would continue and share several testimonials, showing everyone who took Fucoidan and experiences it’s positive effects and are also enjoying their lives. I hope that those who have found the meaning and are reading this blog will encourage others suffering from other illnesses.