
About Me: My Mother’s Death and Fucoidan

July 19, 2019


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My name is Molly and I want to share my story and the reason for recommending fucoidan. At the same time, I would like to explain and expand the possibilities of fucoidan’s benefits and help you use it without side effects. The following story is the one that changed my beliefs toward the medical system.

My mother suffered from cancer, and that is why I began recommending Fucoidan more than any other medical treatment. However, I have never denied any medical treatment. Instead, I want to reassure you and would like you to have a higher immunity level. If your immunity levels are good, you will not get diseases like cancer. Fucoidan has multiple benefits that provide hope for people who suffer from very severe diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and autoimmune diseases.

I had never doubted the ability of the doctor, and I had trusted them, but when my mother was diagnosed with liver cancer, who was 82 years old at that time. Due to her age, she did not want to go through any medical treatment. So she had chosen the treatment of diet and fucoidan therapy. When she started taking the fucoidan supplements, and diligently followed the diet, her cancer began to shrink. When she got her tests done, her doctor was surprised that cancer became smaller without any treatment or chemotherapy. She told the doctor what she had been doing. However, her doctor threatened her and warned her that if she continues to use fucoidan, she will die. My mother was very scared and believed what the doctor said.

Then she eventually decided to accept going through the surgery. However, she had a postoperative complication (ileus), and she had to go through a second surgery. Later, she died due to the necrosis of the intestine. Intestinal necrosis made her suffer from tremendous pain until she died. Seeing a loved one suffering is very painful and sad for us. After my mother passed away, I learned that most doctors would not perform surgeries on elderly people, because of such postoperative complications. I watched my mother suffer because of her doctors’ thoughtless words. So, that’s why I decided that I to want to help sick people as much as I can. So, I studied homeopathy to help in reducing the illness and suffering of people, even the people who suffer from cancer and other severe diseases.

For this reason, I would like to share the known benefits of fucoidan to as many people as I can.