Fucoidan Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Testimonial 4: Bladder Cancer and Fucoidan

March 9, 2020

In this blog, I am sharing a bladder cancer testimonial of a patient who had used fucoidan. I want to share this testimonial before I share the research on fucoidan and bladder cancer. This testimonial will also give you a better understanding of how fucoidan effects on the human body and also easily understand the research of fucoidan and bladder cancer.  

The Magical Power Of Fucoidan Helped Fright My Relapse

Name: John 42 years old (Male)

In January 2009, one day I found blood in the urine, which made me quite concerned. I went to the hospital for a checkup. It turned out to be bladder cancer with a 3 cm tumor in my bladder. The doctor performed surgery to remove the tumor, which was followed by chemotherapy. After that, I did not receive any other treatment. I had regular examinations every three to six months, according to the doctor’s instruction.

A year later, a 1 cm tumor was found in my body. I didn’t know the reason for the recurring tumor. Once again, I had the tumor removed by surgery in March 2010. After surgery, I was put under chemotherapy receive and become very weak immediately. I was not as healthy as before and continued to grow weaker after chemotherapy. I ached all over, especially my feet. I lost my appetite and felt nauseous all the time, and I assume it was the side effects of chemotherapy. I suffered a lot. 

Recommended by a friend of my wife, I bought a book named Amazing Power of Fucoidan (Chinese version). After reading, I was still not sure about the effectiveness of fucoidan. However, I was hopeless with a terrible health condition. So, I decided to try fucoidan. I contacted the Call Center and to ask for more information about fucoidan. The sincerity of the representative at the call center, her detailed instruction reinforced my confidence in fucoidan.

Next, I ordered one bottle of fucoidan capsules to test if they were as effective as described. 

I informed them that I had had surgery and also received chemotherapy. After patiently listening to me, the representative at the Call Center suggested that I take 12 capsules four times per day (morning, afternoon, evening, and before bed). Three days later, my appetite started to improve, and I began to eat a lot. I was able to get out of my bed and walk; I had less pain than before. All these improvements convinced me that fucoidan had magical powers. As a result, I continued to take fucoidan with greater confidence. Three months later, I had another examination. The result showed that everything was normal, so I reduced the dose of fucoidan.

Over the past year, I have been to the hospital to have an examination every three to six months. I always have good health and feel comfortable. My hair has not fallen out nor turned grey. It is shiny black hair. I am not only rosy-cheeked, but I am also radiant. Anyone who sees me says to me, surprised, that I look younger than before. I owe these improvements to fucoidan. It has improved the quality of my life and has brought me hope. I will continue taking fucoidan to stay healthy.