Fucoidan Health Benefit of Fucoidan

Fucoidan and Herpes

January 22, 2020

In this blog, I will discuss a viral infection called Herpes, which occurs in various parts of the body. More than 50 percent of American adults have oral herpes. Oral herpes is infected by Herpes Simples Virus type 1 (HSV -1), and it is transmitted primarily by mouth-to-mouth contact causing infection in or around the mouth. Also, about one in eight people ages fourteen to forty-nine in the United States have Herpes Simplex Virus type2 (HSV -2) infection.


HSV -2 is transmitted almost exclusively by sexual activity, causing infections (genital herpes) in the genitals and anus. However, HSV -1 also can propagate to the genitals through mouth-genital contact, causing genital herpes.

Both oral and genital herpes infections are mostly asymptomatic, but they can cause mild symptoms such as painful blisters and ulcers at the site of infection.

HSV -1 is a highly contagious virus. There are two main routes of transmission. One is “contact infection” from people who have such blisters or kissing, and secondary “object-borne infection,” such as adhesion of viruses on towels or tableware. HSV -1 is hidden in the trigeminal ganglia and forms blisters around the lips.


HSV -2 is a nasty disease that once infected; the virus lurks in the body and recurs when immunity gets lower. It is a slightly unusual venereal disease, the prevalence of which increases with age.  HSV -2 is hidden in the lumbosacral ganglia and forms blister around the pubic area.

Though it is a dreadful disease, there is hope. I will explain how fucoidan’s anti-HSV activities on HSV -1, beforehand the present treatment for HSV infections, are fairly safe and efficient. However, long term treatment with HSV treated drugs are linked with toxicities and will have drug resistance as well.

According to the study of Mohamad F. Mahomoodally et al., Fucoidan is against HSV -1 by directly inhibiting the replication of the virus and stimulating innate and adaptive immune defense. Also, fucoidan does not have toxicity, so you do not worry about side effects.  

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  1. How can i ever stop saying thank you to Dr.WOBE, After taking his product today my life is healthy and balance am living up to my expectation. For the past 11 years i have been struggling with with my Hiv issue, i have tried a lot of medications from different doctors but all to no avail. I have spent money on it but no cure until i took this product from Dr.WOBE just within few weeks i got cured of my Hiv diseases , if you are also suffering from any kind of disease then get immediate help now from  Dr.WOBE for his products contact him email Drwobeherbalhome@gmail.com OR CALL HIM OR WHATS APP ON +2349064851206, he also cure the following diseases. HERPES, HSV, CANSER, KIDNEY diseases E.T.C god bless you all.

    1. Hi! Lilian
      Congratulation! We are happy to hear you conquered HIV. it is a good thing no longer you do not spread HIV to others. Keep healthy.

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